Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Plan 2023– 2024

Pupil Premium is allocated to students from low income families and there are criteria as to who and how students qualify. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However we are accountable as to how the additional funding has been used to support pupils from low income families.

Our Pupil Premium allocation for 2023 – 2024 is £58,080 representing approximately 40% of pupils across the Vale School.

Key areas of planned expenditure for this year are: 

Enhance provision of Specialist music sessions (ready for learning) £14,500

Music Therapy 1:1 and small group sessions £9,000

Additional staff time to update PODD and other AAC devices  £15,000

Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to enhance provision £19,500

Our Looked After Children receive additional specific funding, which will be spent on individual resources/provision for them. 

Impact of Pupil Premium for the year 2023/24 (Funding allocated: £58,080)  

Pupil premium Intervention

Budget Allocation



Specialist music sessions (ready for learning)  










1:1, small group and whole department music sessions as an enhancement of the curriculum; zoom music sessions for outreach pupils



Pupils’ self-confidence, expression and turn taking skills enhanced, impacting on learning and progress




Music Therapy Sessions









1:1 work with pupils and their families identified as needing support particularly with emotional needs. 




Pupils’ self- confidence, emotional resilience enhanced, impacting on readiness for learning in other area




Additional staff support / interventions e.g. communication and access 









Additional 1:1 / 2:1 for access to the curriculum, additional time to carry out PODD intervention work




Enhanced work in identified areas impacting on pupil progress. Staff to liaise with families.




Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to enhance provision 













Enhancement of health and LA provision of therapy to support individual pupils’ needs 






Staff training ensured pupils were receiving appropriate input and strategies, more input in all classes impacting on pupil progress.