Safeguarding and Online Safety


At Vale School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We see this as paramount and all staff and volunteers are expected to share this commitment.

We ensure that all adults who work with children in the school have the appropriate checks.

We ensure that all staff receive regular training on safeguarding procedures. We use MyConcern to record and manage our safeguarding files. All concerns are passed to the senior member of staff on each site who is the Designated Person/Nominated Safeguarding Children Advisor and has had specific training. They are:

Vale @ Lancasterian: Charlie Rooney-Norris – 020 8801 2299

Vale @ Belmont: Liz Baxter – 020 8888 9216

Vale @ Dukes Aldridge Academy: Tony Millard – 020 8801 6111

or Dawn Woodcock, Headteacher, is also a Nominated Safeguarding Children Advisor if you cannot contact the relevant person above or prefer to speak directly to the headteacher.

These staff advisors know who to contact for the best advice and help, for example the Haringey Social Care Disabled Children’s Team, and are experienced in using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Gillian Martin.

If you have any questions or concerns about child protection/safeguarding, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate Nominated Safeguarding Children Adviser.

For more information about Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures at Vale School, please read our policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.

Online Safety

Online safety is an important part of safeguarding. Through our PSHE and Computing curriculum we ensure that we teach our students the importance of using internet safely and what to do if they see something that upsets them online. For more information about online safety at Vale School, please see our online safety policy.